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Draw length is requested on shaft orders to ensure you do not receive too short of a shaft, Draw length is always measured from the back of the point to the throat of the nock, this is the measurement we need. We automatically add in tapering requirements to the length you give us. If you need extra clearance between your bow and the arrow tip this should be added to your draw length before ordering. The amount we add is used for tapering purposes only. If you would like Points or Broadheads installed you must choose the type of Points or Broadheads and your correct draw length in the shopping cart. If your exact draw length is not listed please use the comment section to give us an accurate draw length (measured from Back of point). RCA is not responsible for incorrect measurements, varying or incompatible measuring techniques, if you are not absolutely sure of how your draw length was measured you will need to re-measure it yourself. All draw lengths will be measured by RCA from the deepest part of the throat of the nock to the BOP (back of point). You must use this same technique to measure your draw length for accuracy when ordering arrows with Points or Broadheads from us.
Determining draw length from a bow:
Note from Jerry Dishion: The proper way to calculate your draw length is measuring from the throat of the nock to the front of the bow (farthest part away from you) at full draw. The purpose of draw length measuring is to give you appropriate clearance between your arrowhead and the bow for proper aiming and shooting while ensuring that the arrow isn't so excessively long that it is hard to aim and control. If you are using your finger as an arrow rest, extra length should be considered for comfort as well.
Broadheads will be aligned with the throat of the nock and string (90 degrees to the grain), vertical on the shaft.